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St Peter’s Church of England Primary Academy Mansfield

Loving, Living and Learning with Jesus

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St Peter’s Church of England Primary Academy Mansfield

Loving, Living and Learning with Jesus

Computer Safety

Welcome to St Peter's Primary Academy Computer Safety Page! 

On this page you will find lots of helpful resources and tips around keeping safe online. 

Safety Update: Dealing with upsetting content online


Would you like more information about a specific app or just some tips or resources on a computing issue? Fill in the form below to request new content or tips on this page and we will try to sign post you to the best possible research and resources to support you. *Please note we cannot address individual concerns, please see a member of the team if you have a specific concern about your child.

Parent Support

If you are concerned about your child's safety online or on thier devices please see the links below. 

Here's a story to share with your children to help keep them safe online #Goldilocks: A hashtag cautionary tale.

For more rescources like this, got to for helpful tips, up to the minute advice and effective strategies to help you and your family stay safe online. 

On-line Reporting, Information and Advice


Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.


Are you being bullied?

If you are being bullied, or you are not ready to make a report to CEOP, you can talk to Childline anonymously online or on the phone - No worry is too big or too small.


The Click CEOP button is an asset of the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. The CEOP Command works to protect children from the harm of sexual abuse and exploitation both online and offline.

Net Aware

Your guide to social networks, apps and games

Parent Zone

Parent Zone are the experts in digital family life. We provide support and information to parents, children and schools, working globally to help families to navigate the internet safely and confidently. We work with parents, schools, governments and businesses to study, understand and address the impact of emerging technologies on young people.




Digital Parenting | Be a Tech Role Model [2020] | Vodafone UK

Charlotte Robertson has created videos that have been viewed and shared by millions, has featured in documentaries exploring the lives of YouTubers and speak...

Updated SBowers-Hoad (2024)

Our Computing Vision 

Computing is an integral part of everyday life and at St Peter’s we believe that children need access to a curriculum which equips them with the necessary skills to harness technology in a safe, purposeful and creative way. It is our hope that all students will leave St Peter’s with the necessary and resilience they need to become active and ambitious part of the community.

Our curriculum is underpinned by the effective use of technology, the children have access to a wide range of software and the regular use of laptops and iPads. Teachers, enhance sessions with compelling and up-to-date sources allowing our children to experience things far beyond the usual. We plan and deliver a wide range of activities that allow children to develop their skills and showcase their learning across the curriculum.

As part of keeping children safe, staff at St Peter’s, use up to date technology to share resources and logs quickly and effectively. Children are taught the importance of internet safety and how to use the internet responsibly. We explore key themes, such as online identity and maintaining Christian values on and off screen. Staff share key resources with colleagues and parents, maintaining a good subject knowledge of current issues fin order to preserve the safety of students.  

During sessions, children access the curriculum with a hands on approach, they develop key problem solving and digital literacy skills. At St Peter’s we use a skills based curriculum, each session has a specific learning objective and is linked directly to the National Curriculum. Sessions are evidenced through photographs and examples of work in class books with some induvidula work saved into the school system. 
