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St Peter’s Church of England Primary Academy Mansfield

Loving, Living and Learning with Jesus

Home Page

St Peter’s Church of England Primary Academy Mansfield

Loving, Living and Learning with Jesus

Home Learning

Our Home Learning for the Autumn Term is a bingo grid of fun activities for you to complete by 20th December for a prize. 

Read Write Inc.: How to say the set one, set two and set three sounds

Learn how to say Read Write Inc's set one, two and three sounds, with the help of superstar Sylvie! Other videos on our channel that you might find useful: ⭐️ How to say the sounds ⭐️ Sound Blending Books ⭐️ Reading the stretchy sounds with your child Further Ruth Miskin Training and Read Write Inc.

How the Read Write Inc. phonics works - a parent/ carer's guide

A guide to how Read Write Inc. phonics works and how parents and carers can support their children to become confident, enthusiastic readers.

Fine motor development | Playdough song | If you're happy and you know it

EYFS Gross Motor Skills | Autumn Walk | Strength building for children | Early Years
