Neurodevelopmental Support Team
The Neurodevelopmental Support Team (NST) is the Local Authority pathway for support around Autism and ADHD. If you have concerns regarding the behaviours of your child, speak to their class teacher. If you agree that there may be Autism or ADHD related difficulties then you will need to fill a Getting To Know Me (GTKM) form. This is simply the first step in a long process in order to see a Paediatrician and there is a significant waiting time. The NST will expect that parents have completed one of the parenting programs specifically designed for Autism and ADHD type behaviours prior to the referral being submitted. The link for the self-referral is below and school can help with this if you need it.
School have a separate process to follow in order to seek advice and support for behaviours within school.
The full process is below.
1. Discuss your concerns with class teacher, they will provide you with a GTKM form.
2. Complete home observations and return the form.
3. Teacher to complete school observations.
4. Meet with Teacher and possibly SENCo to discuss observations and put together an action plan for home and school. Set a review date for 1 term (approx 12 weeks) later.
5. Complete parental self referral to one of the courses.
6. 1 term later - complete review and determine if there is any change in the concerns.
7. If no improvement, school to email GTKM form to NST. NST confirms receipt of form to school / parents.
8. NST will triage and confirm to parents and school that child has been accepted onto the waiting list. This will probably be several months later. They may suggest additional support to parents and will give an update of the approximate wait times.
9. Current wait time is approximately 24 months from the original referral. When the child is near the top of the list, forms will be sent to parents and school to complete with up-to-date observations of the child.
10. Paediatrician appointment.