Welcome to Apple Class F1 - Nursery
Hello! We can’t wait to welcome your child into Nursery at St Peter’s CofE Primary Academy. At St Peter’s we value all children for their individuality and support children to become confident and independent learners. The Foundation Stage is a vital part of your child’s learning and will support them to become life-long learners, and of course to have lots of fun!
The adults in the setting are Mrs Bowers-Hoad, Mrs Widdowson and Mrs Marland, Miss Harrison and Miss Duncanson.
The school day
If your child is attending the Morning Nursery session, times are:
8:30 – 11:30
If your child is attending the Afternoon Nursery session, times are:
12:30 – 3:30 – We open the gate at 3:15 in line with the rest of school.
You will come into school using the Foundation Gate which is next to the school main entrance.
If you need to speak to us we ask that you wait until the children have been dismissed. We are always available for a chat but need to make sure that all children leave school safely.
If someone else is collecting your child it is essential that you inform us or the school office.
Milk and Fruit
Each child is entitled to a free carton of milk each day, please go to https://www.coolmilk.com/ to register. A piece of fruit is available each day for a snack. Please send your child with a water bottle every day.
Milk is the ideal mid-morning drink for your child and for many it’s absolutely free. FREE for children under the age of five.
FREE to children receiving or entitled to free school meals.
Subsidised for all other children in primary education.
If your child is unable to attend school please call the School Office on 01623 489980. If we do not receive a message from you the office will contact you. Please make sure that your contact details are available and up to date.
Daily School Kit List:
Please let us know if your child has any toileting issues, we are happy to help them on their way to independence. Please let us know. If your child is still in nappies or pull-ups please send them to school with at least two spare nappies and a pack of wipes in case your child needs to be changed during the school day. If your child will need to be changed regularly please see a member of staff to fill in a care plan.
Please let us know about any allergies even if your child brings their own lunch. We often bake and have tasting sessions in school as part of learning. If your child cannot eat certain foods due for religious reasons please include this information on the data collection form and let a member of staff know.
We use an online Learning Journey called Tapestry which you will have access to and will be able to add to with pictures and experiences from home.
In addition to this the children all have a folder where we keep some of their work. The contents of the folder will be sent home at the end of the year for you to keep. Once your child has started school you will receive an email inviting you to view your child’s photos on Tapestry. If you do not receive an email please contact a member of staff for support.
Outdoor Learning
Rain or shine we go outdoors for the children to explore on a larger scale and to be physically active.
We also have a Forest Day, where we visit our woodland area. On these days we ask that children wear jogging bottoms or leggings and bring wellies as we will be getting muddy! We provide waterproof trousers but if your child has their own we would be grateful if they could bring them.
We have PE once a week, please come to school wearing trainers or pumps and leggings or jogging bottoms.
Additional Funding and Support
Am I entitled to 30 Hours funding?
You may be able to get 30 hours free childcare if:
Does my child qualify for Early Years Pupil Premium?
If your child is in early years education, your early years provider could be eligible for extra funding to help support your child.
What will my child learn about at Saint Peter’s?:
The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum has seven areas of learning:
We aim to develop the Characteristics of Effective Learning in every child as they are crucial to becoming a successful learner:
Playing and Exploring | Active Learning | Creating and Thinking Critically |
Communication and language - involves giving children opportunities to ask questions and talk in general, speaking, listening and understanding in different situations.
How you can help: talk to your child about what they are doing. Ask them where they like to go and what they like to do, ask them to follow simple instructions. Share a story at bedtime.
Physical Development – being active, developing coordination, control, and movement, using large and small movements. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food.
How you can help: encourage your child to go to the toilet by themselves and wash hands afterwards. Encourage them to dress and undress independently. Talk about healthy food choices and allow them to help with simple food preparation. Go swimming, play football and have trips to the park. Play with construction kits, such as lego, connex, or play doh
Personal, Social and Emotional Development involves helping children to See themselves positively, form good relationships, be able to interact with others and be confident.
How can you help?: play games that involve turn taking and sharing. Talk about feelings – what makes them happy or sad. Encourage them to feel proud when they have worked hard to achieve something. Establish good routines for bedtime etc.
The Specific Areas
Literacy development involves encouraging the children to make marks, ‘read’ and enjoy books, sing songs and rhymes, to recognise and eventually write their name.
How can you help?: Sing nursery rhymes and songs. Set up a ‘mark making area/ writing area at home to role play writing – you could use old birthday cards, envelopes and notebooks. Try using chalk outside or use a paintbrush and water.
Mathematics involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting and looking at shapes and patterns.
How can you help?: count around the house and spot numbers outside. Play with jugs and containers in the bath. Find shapes around the house. Give them practical problems to solve, such as sharing food and toys.
Understanding the World involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.
How can you help?: talk about why things happen, how they work and their experiences.
Expressive Arts and Design involves exploring paint and junk modelling sharing thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and design and technology.
How can you help?: Use the recycling to junk model, sing songs, make up dances. Set up role play areas and dens outside. Paint and draw together.
School Website
This is our school website, please check out our class page to see some of the things we have been learning about at school.
Your child starting full time school can be an anxious time. We are always available to help. Please let us know of any questions or concerns that you have and we will do our best to help.
If this is before your child’s start date please contact the school office and we will phone you back.
We are really looking forward to starting next year and learning with your child.
The Foundation Team