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St Peter’s Church of England Primary Academy Mansfield

Loving, Living and Learning with Jesus

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St Peter’s Church of England Primary Academy Mansfield

Loving, Living and Learning with Jesus

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Core Offer


St Peter’s has a Core Offer for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. The school will assess which relevant elements of the Core Offer will apply to eligible children, dependent on their achievement, progress and needs as identified by the school within the allocation designated for Pupil Premium.  The Core Offer for eligible pupils consists of the following:


  • Increased proportion of teaching time and/or targeted questions from Class Teacher;
  • High quality synthetic phonics teaching from Year R and 1:1 interventions if necessary;
  • High quality English delivered from Y2 following Talk for Writing;
  • Academic interventions and support  to raise the attainment and progress in English and Maths;
  • Extra-curricular club places have priority for PPG pupils;
  • Thorough monitoring of attendance – Early Help Notifications completed if required;
  • Leadership opportunities through Sports Leaders, Play Leaders and library positions;
  • Subsidised trips and residential visits;
  • Breakfast for all pupils;
  • Access to high quality books from our school library.

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Applying for Pupil Premium

If you feel that your child is eligible for free school meals, please complete the form online using the link below or by phoning 0300 500 80 80. If you require support to complete the form, please speak to the school office. 

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022
