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St Peter’s Church of England Primary Academy Mansfield

Loving, Living and Learning with Jesus

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St Peter’s Church of England Primary Academy Mansfield

Loving, Living and Learning with Jesus


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.


In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Year 1 and Year 2, our children follow the Read, Write Inc programme for the teaching of phonics and reading.  Pupils are grouped by their developmental ability and placed at the appropriate stage in the programme.  More information can be found on the Parent Pages of the Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc website.


From F2 - Year 6, children will be taught writing using the Talk for Writing approach.  This is a multi-sensory approach to learning quality written structures and innovating them.



Reading is fundamental to all aspects of the curriculum and needs to be taught well throughout school.  Reading is led through Read Write Inc in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, and taught through Talk for Reading sessions in Key Stage 2.  All teachers are committed to spend time reading quality texts on a daily basis, so that children are immersed in rich language.



Children from F2 to Y6 follow the Power Maths scheme of work.  This is based on the mastery approach, which works on the principle that children take time develop deeper understanding about mathematical concepts. Where apppropriate, children begin their learning using objects, moving on to a pictorial representation then using that knowledge to work on abstract concepts. This is known as the CPA (concrete-pictorial-abstract) approach. Each lesson is carefully structured to include simple concepts which all pupils can master then moving on to the application of those skills in different contexts. Each lesson includes challenging questions which require deeper thinking.



We follow the Understanding Christianity scheme of learning alongside the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus, as recommended by the Church of England education office.



The St. Peter's curriculum has been built on a two year rolling programme in each age phase.  The number of classes per age phase will vary depending on the number of pupils in each year group. 


We currently have the following number of classes in each phase:

EYFS - 1 class (Nursery & Reception)

Key Stage 1 - 2 classes (Year 1 & Year 2)

Lower Key Stage 2 - 3 parallel classes (Year 3 & Year 4)

Upper Key Stage 2 - 3 parallel classes (Year 5 & Year 6)




Religious Education skills progression

Teaching and Learning Policy
